Environmental protection intelligent coating equipment

turnkey solution integrator


We provide turnkey solution service

more than 30 years

  • ​​​​​​​Intelligent Manufacturing
    ​​​​​​​Intelligent Manufacturing
    ​​​​​​​The MES intelligent manufacturing management system creates a more flexible and digital intelligent production process for customers.
  • <p>International Quality<br></p>

    International Quality

    Our factory has certified by ISO 9001 international quality system and the ISO 14001 international environmental system.

  • <p>Turnkey Solution</p>

    Turnkey Solution

    We provide turnkey solution service including whole plant planning, independent R&D, design, manufacturing, installation...


Production line overall solution integrator

30 years of coating production line overall solution integrator, providing customers with various types of automated coating production lines, coating equipment, environmental protection equipment and other overall turnkey solutions. 


Coating line case study

It has become a high-quality partner of domestic and foreign well-known enterprises in the industries of auto parts, furniture, musical instruments, cookware, home appliances, metal products, industrial equipment, aviation, military equipment and rail transit. 


    30 years of coating production line overall solution integrator, providing customers with overall turnkey solutions.

    • Environmental Protection Strategy of Coating Line

      Coating production line plays an important role in the manufacturing industry, especially in the era of industrial digitalization 4.0, environmental awareness is increasing, and the environmental protection requirements of coating lines are getting higher and higher. Therefore, we must adopt corresponding environmental protection strategies to cope with environmental challenges. Linda will discuss the environmental protection strategy of coating production line in detail here.

    • Environmental Requirements For Coating Line

      Coating lines are common process flows in the manufacturing industry, used for spray painting and powder coating of products, aiming to enhance the appearance and durability of products, thereby affecting their market competitiveness and service life. However, the waste gas and wastewater generated during the coating process have potential impacts on the environment, so environmental management becomes a key issue. I will use this as a topic to share with you the specific environmental requirements of coating line.

    • Plastic Parts Dust-Free Coating Line Technology Analysis

      In modern manufacturing, the coating process of plastic parts is not only about the appearance, but also an important factor affecting product quality and customer satisfaction. With the advancement of technology and the improvement of environmental protection awareness, the technology of plastic parts dust-free coating production line has gradually become one of the focuses of industry attention. This article will explore in depth the key technologies of plastic parts dust-free coating line.

    • Application and development of industrial coating industry

      Automation processes in industrial manufacturing are increasingly becoming a key component of modern production. Among them, industrial coating, as an indispensable link, plays a vital role in the appearance, protection and durability of products. Today, Linda will explore in depth the diverse applications of industrial coating and its key position in modern manufacturing.

Get in touch with us

Regard quality as the life of the enterprise, pay close attention to product quality, and do the best for customers as far as possible! The company independently produces, processes and sells all kinds of products to meet the needs and requirements of customers. 


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